IFIB 2023 – International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy
28/09/2023 29/09/2023
Florence, Italy
Confindustria Toscana, as partner of the Enterprise Europe Network, is organising, together with Circular Bioeconomy Cluster SPRING, Innovhub-SSI, Assobiotec – the Italian Association for the development of biotechnology, the 13th edition of IFIB – International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy – aimed at strengthening the bioeconomy network in the Euro-Mediterranean area and to promote partnerships.
The topic of the Forum is bioeconomy, with particular attention to industrial, white biotech. This year’s edition will have a specific focus on biotech solutions applied in the textiles and fashion sectors.
Two sessions of pre-arranged face-to-face bilateral meetings (B2B) between Start-ups, Companies, Universities, public and private Research Centres in the field of industrial biotechnology and bio economy will take place in Firenze.
Participants will come from Europe and beyond to find potential partners for collaborations, business development, licensing agreements, joint ventures, research projects, exchange of experiences and partnership opportunities.
Participation is totally free of charge. For more information on the conference please visit the IFIB website: https://ifibwebsite.com/